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Seaside Home

who we are

Mission Statement

The mission of Seaside Home is to spread the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and to give spiritual, as well as physical rest, to our guests.

Christian Fellowship Environment

We provide a Christian fellowship, below-cost, retreat-style vacation to women and children, singles and couples, friends and family.

Original building in Cape May Point, NJ

All-Women Board of Managers

A group of women managers has volunteered to serve to maintain the property, prepare and manage the home for each summer guest season for over 130 years.

Non-Profit 501(c)(3)

Seaside Home Inc is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) tax exempt charitable organization. The home is funded solely by donations and gifts.

A Week at seaside home

Each Reservation Includes

7 Nights

Room & Board

Saturday to Saturday

Check In on Saturday between 2pm and 5pm; 7pm and 9pm

Check Out Saturday 10am

6 Dinners

7 Breakfasts

5 Lunches

Served at scheduled times

Breakfast and Dinner served in the Dining Room. Lunches prepared for you to bag and take.

Guest Rooms

2 Twin Beds

1 sink and 1 ceiling fan.

No – door locks, air conditioning, TV, or telephone in guest rooms.

Shared bathroom in the hall.

No Elevator or Wheelchair Accessibility

“The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth, and even forever more.” – Psalm 121:8